No Instituto de Microcirurgia Ocular (IMO), como contamos com profissionais de excelência e com os equipamentos mais inovadores do mercado, efectuamos diversas Cirurgias Oftalmológicas com ótimos resultados, nomeadamente:
Phacoemulsification is the name by which is designated the most current technique for cataract surgery. It succeeded others, already outdated, …
Corneal Transplant
Corneal transplant (keratoplasty) is performed when there is significant decrease in visual acuity due to loss of transparency or marked …
Extraction of Crystalline and Intra-ocular Lens Implant
This is the type of refractive surgery best suited for patients with a high degree of ametropia (myopia, astigmatism, hyperopia) …
Glaucoma Surgery
Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness in the world. When diagnosed early and adequately treated, the likelihood of …
Keratoconus is a dystrophic disease of the cornea, with a hereditary tendency. It affects young people and usually until the …
Lacrimal pathway surgery
Lacrimal pathway surgery is performed in situations where there are recurrent infections of the lacrimal pathway (dacryocystitis), or excessive lacrimation …
Laser Excimer
There are several techniques of refractive surgery using this type of laser – PRK (refractive photokeractomy), and LASIK (in situ …
Phakic Lens Implants
They are intraocular lens designed to correct refractive errors (myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism), usually in higher degrees. They are called …
Refractive Surgery
Refractive Surgery consists of surgically correcting the refractive defects of the eye in order to allow the images to be …
Surgery of Presbyopia (Eye Strain)
Presbyopia involving difficulties to focus on near objects and normally affects people after the age of 40.