Refractive Surgery

It is intended for those who cannot live a normal life without the use of glasses or contact lenses. Cannot be considered a cosmetic surgery, but rather a possibility of improving the quality of life and, even more importantly, of improving the quality of vision, since spectacle lens, especially the graduated ones, cause optical aberrations.

Refractive surgery aims to provide people who are dependent on the use of optical correction (glasses or contact lens) the possibility of having a normal life without the use of these prostheses. The surgery helps to reduce the existing ametropia (myopia, astigmatism or hyperopia), so that the patient can become independent of the use of correction with glasses or contact lens.

Refractive Surgery techniques

We currently have several techniques, all of them with well-defined indications, which have been established with the experience accumulated over the years:

Laser Excimer

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Implants of Phakic Lenses

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Crystalline Extraction and Intraocular Lens Implantation

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