New techniques and technologies
Angio OCT

Angio OCT

The Optical Coherence Tomography was recently coupled with new software that allows the realization of Angio-OCT or OCT A. This …

Endoret Technology

Endoret Technology

PRGF (Endoret) is a therapy that relies on obtaining a protein concentrate from the patient’s own blood, which has biological …

Glaucoma Surgery

Glaucoma Surgery

Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness in the world. When diagnosed early and adequately treated, the likelihood of …

Glaucoma Treatment Techniques

Glaucoma Treatment Techniques

Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness in the world. When diagnosed early and adequately treated, the likelihood of …



This Lacrimal pathway surgery technique uses a Diode Laser (Lacrimax) since it is effective and minimally invasive.

Laser Femtosegundo

Laser Femtosegundo

The Femtosecond laser was initially used for corneal surgery – Refractive surgery (Lasik), implantation of Intrastromal corneal ring segments for …